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Troubled Waters

This was a romantic comedy staged at the Ventura Court Theater in Studio City, CA, that Cynthia starred in from late January till 22 February 1998. I happen to come across a review of the play in the Los Angeles Times.

Troubled Waters is by playwright Jeff Gould,and tells a boy-meets-girl story five years after the honeymoon.Cynthia is Liz Waters, and together with Michael Spound as her husband Jack, are the couple at the center of the play. According to the review, these two "can start with a lost tube of ChapStick and wind up with a full-blown argument".

"Jack is a lawyer, prone to grilling his wife on various subjects and determined at all times to prove that he is in the right. Liz, who works in public relations, is less rational in her arguments, but more passionate.

There are no real surprises in the plot (it's a comedy, so you guess how it ends). But Spound and Gibb have good chemistry, and under Richard Hochberg's direction they rarely slow down..."

Los Angeles Times
January 22, 1998, Thursday
Section: Calendar; Part F; Page 52.

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Please feel free to let me know if you have any other current information regarding Cynthia's projects. Thanks.



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Last Updated: 10 June 1998
Comments to annlim@writeme.com