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Cynthia's last project was a TV-movie entitled Earthquake in New York. It co-starred Greg Evigan and is about a huge earthquake that hits NYC. Synopsis: A NYPD cop must face a life-and-death struggle as he is torn between his civic duty to help a collapsing city and saving his own family who are trapped in the subway. In addition, a serial killer is also stalking the cop and his partner.

This TV-movie premiered on the new Fox Family Channel on 11 October 1998. Check your local listings or the TV-Now page to find out if it will be aired again soon. The Fox Family Channel's web site does not have much additional information or pictures, but check it out if you want.


Update 4/13/99: Sorry if I have not updated this page for the last few months. Besides being real busy with stuff, I had been periodically checking to see if Cynthia was up to anything new and noteworthy during this time. However, I was not able to locate any news on what her next project will be. I hope you will check back in the future when I hope to have something new to report and put up on the site. Thanks for stopping by!


Cynthia's previous completed project:
Troubled Waters (January 1998)


Please feel free to let me know if you have any other current information regarding Cynthia's projects. Thanks.


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Last Updated: 13 April 1999
Comments to annlim@writeme.com